population_size = 100; chromosome_length = 500; generations = 500; mutation_rate = 0.001; best_fitness_hist = []; %create inital population population = initialization(population_size, chromosome_length); for g = 1:generations %eval fitness fitness = sum(population, 2); %select individuals for tournament selection selected = tournament_selection(population,fitness,population_size); %crossover the individuals offspring = crossover(selected); %mutation mutated_offspring = mutate(offspring, mutation_rate); %create new population population = mutated_offspring; %display best fitness of this generation best_fitness = max(fitness); if best_fitness == chromosome_length break end best_fitness_hist = [best_fitness_hist;best_fitness]; fprintf('Generation %d: Bestfitness = %d\n', g, best_fitness); end plot(best_fitness_hist)
function population = initialization(size,string_length) population = randi([0,1], size, string_length); end
function selected_parents = tournament_selection(population, fitness, n) selected_parents = zeros(n, size(population, 2)); for i = 1:n %randomly select 2 indiviuals idx = randi([1, size(population, 1)], 2, 1); if fitness(idx(1)) > fitness(idx(2)) selected_parents(i, :) = population(idx(1), :); else selected_parents(i, :) = population(idx(2), :); end end end
function offspring = crossover(parents) [num_parents, string_length] = size(parents); offspring = zeros(num_parents, string_length); %pick every 2, use -1 so you can select the next one i.e. i+1 without %running out of hte index bounds for i = 1:2:num_parents-1 crossover_point = randi([1, string_length-1]); offspring(i, :) = [ parents(i, 1:crossover_point) ... parents(i+1, crossover_point+1:end) ]; offspring(i+1, :) = [ parents(i+1, 1:crossover_point) ... parents(i, crossover_point+1:end) ]; end if mod(num_parents, 2) == 1 %Carry over last parent if odd offspring(end, :) = parents(end, :); end end